cycling clubs is a good activity for health. i think it is one fun way to get the body fresh and fit all the day.

Jumat, 23 April 2010

keep the bike safe

Ok, here are some tips for safe cycling short but sweet.
Number one: if not lock to something solid and relatively impenetrable, is likely to walk. Lock the bike lights, road signs, parking meters, bicycle ... All this makes it inconvenient or physically impossible to take the wheel off.
Does not depend on the kindness of strangers motion when it comes to security. 99% of the time, no one touch the bike. And again: "You, that 1% has to act on.
If the bicycle in the visible with the traffic is less likely that someone is going to pull out the tools and cycling to work.
The most valuable is your bike, most likely to be stolen. Instead, the drugged your bike less likely to be taken is given. To make your look fresh, beautiful bike, dirt dirt around, or just block things really well.
Buy reliable major manufacturers of locks. Avoid like the plague from flea market knockoff lock. U-locks are the gold standard for bicycles. While there are other types of locks are U-Lock is a good combination of difficulty and strength, to prevent theft.
Not prevent someone from stealing your bike with the right tools. A corner cutter or knife makes quick work of Mountain Zip-Lock more hardened. Also, a lot of noise during cutting. The only option in this scenario is to hope that someone notices and inform the police or the motion before the disappearance.
Do not use chains or cheap chain / lock combo devices. Pay attention to the surroundings and your bike to be ready to come if you have a strange vibration.
Together with the safety bicycle, the security of things on the bike. The lessons here are 'out of sight "and not be mad. When you cover something in the basket, which has Some value, then it is less likely that before he eyeballed the past.
Unfortunately, there's not much you can do to devices such as lights, pumps, water bottles, chairs and equipment. It can take some precautions, as it may slow down with an Allen wrench collar place, a little 'to' someone in trouble. If you block things, is a nuisance when you try to use.
many lights pop off fairly easily, so there is some "security.
It can also act to lock the wheel skewers that prevent theft of your wings.
Best strategy: the use of a combination of techniques described above. Nice Ride a bike and a bit 'high and low to avoid gray areas, no traffic, the bike on foot, with a strong well-built block, and cover your order if you leave on the bike, such as food-plan in your pocket or something on your rack.
And finally, learn to deal with the bicycle U-lock with a lock ... for chassis and a center circle and fixed.

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